The Benefits of a SharePoint Roadmap

The Benefits of a SharePoint Roadmap

In today’s market, platforms like Microsoft’s SharePoint offer a plethora of programmable functionalities to help businesses meet their unique intranet needs. However, the sheer size and capabilities of such platforms can make being given the task of managing an...
Getting Social with SharePoint

Getting Social with SharePoint

There is no denying storm has taken the world by social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These amazingly successful sites have been putting people in touch and connecting folks with like interests globally for years now, but does this sort of...
Using SharePoint for a Law Firm Intranet

Using SharePoint for a Law Firm Intranet

After having so much success launching a law firm Intranet for Bennett Jones built on SharePoint, we decided to develop a list of best practices to help other law firms. Best Practices for Law Firm Intranets 1) Develop a Strategy it sounds simple but getting people...
Bennett Jones Intranet Wins Platinum

Bennett Jones Intranet Wins Platinum

Following the awards ceremony, Brian delivered an inspiring orientation of the intranet to a packed room of KM professionals that had come to learn the secrets of intranet success. I was not surprised by the turnout since Intranets rarely get this type of exposure....